I have been wanting to do a post like this for a while. This post is full of funny and interesting pictures of graffiti, signs, wraps...ect. that I have seen on the T over the past year!
Wraps are a very familiar sight on the MBTA. Especially now because they are always looking to find more ways to receive revenue from advertising.
The bus wrap to the left was an ad campaign done by L.L. Bean which allowed anyone that rode that specific bus to ride for free. The campaign was promoting their free shipping for L.L.bean.com The bus was wrapped to resemble a huge package.

I love seeing stuff around the system that just makes me laugh out loud
I hope no one is looking for Transit Police assistance!
Looks like the Red Line is giving away free money...
Many MBTA employees try to make commuters lives a little easier by adding their own helpful signs to the system maps.
This one above is at Kendall/MIT on the Red line and is shows how to get to the airport.
The System has changed a lot over the years. The commuter rail map to the left shows the system when the B&M were running the show.
Lastly this is a map on the Red Line that had been scratched off but has since been re done in Sharpie.
Lastly this is a map on the Red Line that had been scratched off but has since been re done in Sharpie.
Well guys I hope you enjoyed all the pics. If you have any funny pics of happenings on the T we would love to see them. Just leave a comment below.
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